Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've just watched Singapore talking on channel 5 of which i believe is a awesome show of which allows us Singaporeans to express our thought freely and for us to be heard by the public.

there were a few points of which i do not agree with and i do truly feel for the lady who is in real need for a flat, there has been much talk about the recent spike in the pricing of our HDB flats.

Here we have a lady who is trying to express her viewpoint in hope for some concrete answers that might help her with her issues of finding a flat.

this was the solution of which has been offered to her: rent a flat from the government for now and wait for the prices to drop before making her purchase as the cov is rather steep recently.

i could tell from her expression of which she might have been rather disappointed with the answer and the reason we got for the government to be unable to interfere with the prices of HDB flats was something about the citizens who bought the flat earlier and were now seeing a rise in value for their flat. now the issue.

isn't HDB flats made for citizens so that everyone may have a roof over their heads?
i do agree that the standards of HDB flats have gone up with developments such as the Pinnacle @ Duxton of which many private homeowners would die for.

However the prices of such luxury public housing are terribly high!
I've heard that they are much higher of that compared to your everyday HDB flats, on one hand i can understand why as it's one of it's kind - exclusivity.
whereas on the other isn't a HDB flat? one that was meant to the catered to the public.

this really left me puzzled.

an observation- i felt that the gov rep seems pretty agitated.

anyway all in all just a food for thought(:

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